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A new world opening before your eyes

Καλώς Ήλθατε στο COOL EXPERIENCE

Cool Experience company offers a holistic approach on Scuba diving. It owes its name to what diving actually is: one of the coolest experiences you can feel!

So grab your bathing suit and jump in “the water” to understand why Diving is such a Cool Experience!

The coolest experience

Discover Scuba Diving (DSD)

For most divers this first breathe underwater is an unforgettable feeling since it opens the doors to another dimension!
What you will feel will be a truly unique experience! You will feel the “loss” of gravity the same way a NASA astronaut feels it, you will be totally free moving in any directions or dimension you wish!
At the same time you will use all your senses:

  • See another world full of fish, sea life, vivid colors, strange organisms
  • Touch the hot sand underwater, the rocks
  • Hear the noises of the underwater world
  • Feel the water becoming one with your body, feel the warmth of the sun rays as they pass through the water

Now you have already done the first step to get certified!

We offer a broad range of certifications covering:

  • New Divers ( Open Water, Advanced, rescue)
  • Experienced Divers (Specialities, tec diving)
  • Divers that want to actively help the environment (Project aware specialties, Underwater Cleanups)
  • Technical Divers (When one tank is not enough)
  • First Aid courses and professional training with our partner site www.first-aid.gr
  • Specialised schools (Equipment specialist, Disabled Divers Support, Full face mask)

And, of course, we can train anyone to become a Pro ranging from Divemaster up to Scuba Instructor

Think Blue!

Enviromental Awareness

In cooperation with Project Aware and Ecotourism-Greece

We call our program Think Blue. Have a look at our Corporate Social Responsibility policy for the year 2020, download a poster with 10 tips for divers to protect the environment, participate in an 1 hour environmental workshop!

Every weekend, apart from our training sessions, we organise Fun Dives (Boat or Shore) also for our certified divers of any level (Open Water up to Tec divers). 

Moreover, with our Partner Site www.live2explore.gr we can organise customised dive trips packages,  anywhere in Greece or outside Greece with the specifications of our fellow divers.

Additional Services

DAN Insurance

Safety First! Although scuba diving is one of the safest sports/hobbies one can do (always following the rules of course), things can happen.
We are DAN Europe Business partners and we offer insurance for all levels of divers… recreational, technical, professional, diving centres. Plus travel insurance in the cost of two coffees every month (€6 - €9/month).

Click here to select program.

*We offer this service because we believe in the need for insurance. There is no commission for us. We offer the packs just as they are.

Social Responsibility

Cool Experience is a Volunteer and supports Aegean Rebreath initiatives with services and equipment and we organise underwater cleanups.

We also offer certification with Project Aware programs and seminars to businesses that have to do with the sea or to anyone that wants to learn or help with cleanups. The total profit of these programmes go as a donation to Project Aware every month.

Diving Equipment

As divers, of course, you need scuba gear, and lots of it so we have become authorised dealers for some of the biggest brands so we can offer them at great prices for you.

But equipment needs service… no problem we are also authorised service technicians of all the brands we sell.

*Our shop is on the way and soon you will be able to browse through our products soon!

Our Products

Find products from popular, trustworthy brands from around the world. Our shop is under construction but you can contact us to explore your options.

Brands we work with

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